You may be very busy with your work and now you forgot to wish birthday to your loved one. Well, don’t worry here are some of the best Happy Belated Birthday wishes which you can send them. I Hope they will not angry at you because you were late by wishing birthday.
There are plenty of ways to send belated birthday wish, you can send them a couple of gifts with belated birthday quote on it. That’s it, if they like the gift then all your problem will be solved. So, Go ahead and wish them Happy belated birthday with your unique style and don’t forget to grab any of the belated Greetings from below.
You can select other relations from here as well.
Niece Birthday Wishes for All Daughter Uncle Stepson Son in Law GirlFriend Ex-Wife40 Best Happy Belated Birthday Wishes (SMS, status, Greetings, Messages)
You are great that you bear me each time, thank you for that, Happy belated birthday.
You were too busy, so I thought I should wish you happy birthday when you will be free. Happy belated birthday.
Late became fashion you know, I am in this trend happy belated birthday.
You were looking too beautiful that I forgot to wish you. Happy belated birthday.
Things are changing very fast so that I couldn’t able to wish you in time. Happy late birthday.
Forgive me, I literally forgot your birthday, but I didn’t make excuse and you should be happy for that. Happy belated birthday.
This is the first time that I forgot your birthday, I think this should not be a problem. Happy belated birthday.
Actually, facebook didn’t notified me about your birthday. It’s the fault of facebook not mine. BTW happy belated birthday 😀
I was out of station so I couldn’t able to remember your birthday. Happy belated birthday.
I hope you enjoyed your birthday, I am really really sorry that I didn’t able to wish your birthday on time. Happy belated birthday champ.
I have a little problem in every special occasion, I got late for every special occasion, that mean you are very special for me. Happy belated birthday.
Time have done its job, you have enjoyed your birthday, Now my time came to send you belated birthday wish.
Sorry mate, I was using internet explorer so it said me that your birthday is next day. That’s Why I waited now see your birthday was yesterday, happy belated birthday.
You know I have problem to remember things, But I still remember your birthday its belated birthday wish.
I think facebook is having some bugs, they didn’t notified about this wonderful day, I missed that big day. Happy belated birthday.
I hope you have enjoyed a lot with your friends, this is the first time I forgot your birthday.
Why don’t you come over here and lets celebrate your birthday again, Lets have some belated birthday wishes. 😀
I was too much busy in playing pokemon go that I forgot your birthday. But wait I still remember your birthday that’s why I am sending you belated birthday wish. Happy belated birthday.
You are too much special for me, that’ why I always wish you belated birthday.
Time Won the race, well I can still win by sending you belated birthday wish.
Give me last warning, from now I will never ever forget your birthday in my entire life. Happy belated birthday #peace
You know how much lazy I am. I hope you will not mind it, have fun, Happy belated birthday.
You are growing dude, so you can forgive me that I didn’t wish you birthday on time. Happy belated birthday.
I was thinking to send you a best gift, but I couldn’t able to decide the gift, while thinking time come to an end. Happy belated birthday.
I wish I could able to do time travel and wish you happy birthday, but in reality I am sending you happy belated birthday.
I just want to know about gifts you got. Lets tear all of the gift packets, but please accept this wish Happy belated birthday.
You are so lucky that you got friend like me, who will always feel you are special, because if no one will wish you late birthday then you don’t have caring friends. Happy belated birthday.
Actually, late birthday wishes are great compare to normal birthday wishes, because it will attract your mind and you will always remember that person. Just Kidding 😀 Happy belated birthday
I hope you will not kill me 😀 but I just want to say Happy belated birthday.
Good type of people gets lots of belated birthday wishes and it is proven fact by me Lol, Happy belated birthday.
You are getting hot day by day, but please accept my proposal, happy belated birthday :D
I just want to give you surprise by wishing you belated birthday wish. Happy belated birthday
Greetings are greetings, on matter when we wish, so don’t get angry accept this happy belated birthday.
Sorry for wishing late, but the condition of love is not late, it is just remembering problem. Happy belated birthday.
I hope you enjoyed that day too much and sorry I missed those amazing moments, happy belated birthday.
You are the boy and boys can understand that it is difficult to remember birthdays than girls. So enjoy, Happy belated birthday.
Am I the only one who forgot your birthday? well sorry happy belated birthday.
Please don’t ask me about anything I was having terrible week. Happy belated birthday.
Birthdays are hard to remember, well honestly I didn’t use facebook so I couldn’t able to wish you on time. Happy belated birthday
I will change this habit give me some chances dude 😀 happy belated birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday Wishes
I am sorry for wishing you late as you know me. Happy belated birthday dear.
It’s quiet sad i missed your birthday but i will make it up to you. Happy belated birthday.
I am sending you birthday wishes late but that doesn’t mean i don’t care about, sorry for being late. Happy belated birthday.
I hope that your birthday went great and you had so much fun. Happy belated birthday dear.
Best Happy Belated Birthday Images
Now, its time to share the love towards friends. You can spread this Happy belated birthday and tell them to use one of these status for belated birthday as it will help them too.